Good Bugs Bad Bugs. “What exactly are they?” Well, if you’re growing a garden there are several good insects that can be quite useful for keeping the bad insects from destroying all of your hard work.
Most insects are beneficial – among this group are those that are Generalists, or the “Good Bugs.” These are predators that feed on a variety of pest insects and only harm their prey while leaving the plants untouched. Generalists are found both above and below ground and include Honey Bees, Pirate, Assassin, and Lacewing Bugs, Ladybugs, Praying Mantis and Beneficial Nematodes. Beneficial Nematodes can be used wherever pests exist including vegetable and flower gardens, backyards, greenhouses, and lawns…just to name a few. Click here for more info on Beneficial Nematodes.
* Generalists, such as the honey bee are in decline due to the use of harsh and toxic chemicals. This is not only harmful for bees and other Generalist insects – it is harmful for their ecosystem.
Then there are the non-beneficial insects – better known as pests. These are the harmful (bad) bugs. They include Aphids, Beetles, Borers, Fleas, Ticks, Caterpillars, Termites, Gnats, Mealybugs, and unfortunately Grasshoppers and Crickets too. But, in Crickee’s defense – while grasshoppers are general herbivores that feed on a variety of plants, some species only enjoy feeding on grasses.
Pests – Plant Eaters
Learn more about beneficial and harmful insects, and how to control them organically here: Arbico Organics